1905电影网讯由金牌导演陈可辛监制,新锐导演许宏宇执导,刘昊然、彭昱畅、尹昉领衔主演的青春励志电影《一点就到家》,日前发布热血推广曲《Forever Young》MV。该曲改编自歌手朴树于2017...
《Forever Young》是艾怡良最新专辑《垂直活着,水平留恋着》当中的最后一首歌,同时也是最具人气的一首作品。《Forever Young》中的艾怡良就像是一支大提琴在与乐曲合奏,低音厚重,高...
14. 右侧纹身「Forever Young」,意为永远年轻: 15. 肚脐上的XX... 这个小编实在不知道该说什么了,G-DRAGON真是充满童心啊哈哈! 16和17. 右大腿英文「INHALE」意为吸气、吸收,左大腿英文...
Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever? Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever...
If you stay forever hey We can stay forever young Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs With the boom box blaring As we're falling in love I got a bottle of whatever Bu...
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